Online Cockfighting: Live, Virtual, Arcade Online Sabong

Online Cockfighting

Online cockfighting is a popular betting option frequented by many sabong enthusiasts. Cockfighting in FB777 is available in two different forms, with the only recognized one in the platform being DS88’s live online sabong while the other is Rich88’s and KingMidas’s virtual online cockfighting. These two cockfighting options are extremely different from one another and there is barely any similarity between the two.

Online Cockfighting Providers

The three providers powering FB777’s online cockfighting options are DS88, KingMidas, and Rich88. The gaming experiences between the three are different from one another.



DS88 or Diamond Sabong is the primary provider for online cockfighting in the platform and is the only one readily visible. This provider offers live sabong matches for bettors to bet on where actual fighting roosters are pitted against each other. This is extremely useful since bettors will be able to make informed decisions on which rooster they think will win when they see the breed of the participating rooster and how healthy they are.

DS88’s bets are fairly simple and straightforward as the bets are similar to sports betting’s moneyline odds where bettors will bet on one rooster to win or for a Draw to occur.


KingMidas is a slot machine and arcade game provider that provides a virtual cockfighting game. This e-sabong game features two virtual fighting roosters assigned with a health value fighting as if they were in a fighting game like Tekken or Street Fighter. This is more of a video game style except that no players are controlling the roosters.


The bets in KM online cockfighting are fairly simple and straightforward as the bets are similar to sports betting’s moneyline odds where bettors will bet on one rooster to win or for a Draw to occur. What makes this unique from Diamond Sabong’s bets is that either Meron or Wala can get assigned a x2 bonus to increase the potential winnings from an outcome.


Rich88 is a slot machine provider that provides an extremely different virtual cockfighting experience by only having a 2D art of two roosters fighting. These two roosters are assigned three lives each and they take turns attacking with both birds attacking once per round for a total of five rounds. The first rooster to lose all their lives loses and not all attacks will connect since the birds can evade and not lose a life. The game is fast-paced and lasts only for a few seconds.


The available bets in Rich88’s virtual cockfighting are more numerous than what’s available at Diamond Sabong and KingMidas. The different bets available are the following:

  • Moneyline – Home win, Away win, and Tie bets with fixed odds.
  • Ultimate Skill – bet on a bird to use an ultimate skill
  • Correct Score – bet on the exact points scored by the two birds
  • Big/Small Score – bet on the final score being bigger or smaller than the selected threshold
  • Odd/Even – bet on the final score being an odd or even number
  • Score Interval – bet on the number range the final score will fall into

Live Cockfighting Versus Virtual Cockfighting

The main difference between live online cockfighting and virtual cockfighting is that live betting allows players to bet on actual fighting roosters and make more informed decisions on which bird will win. Virtual cockfighting doesn’t allow any of this since the outcomes are completely random, unless the birds at KingMidas are actually controlled by gamers.

Live cockfighting typically ends after the carreo when the referee sees whether the two birds can continue fighting. The match continues when both birds peck twice during the carreo but the match ends when one bird doesn’t peck twice. Additionally, a match can end when ten minutes exceed with no clear winner determined.

Bet on Fighting Roosters

Virtual cockfighting ends when the life of a virtual rooster is exhausted, when the 20 second time limit for a round is exhausted in KingMidas, or when the five rounds are finished in Rich88. KingMidas offers a similar betting experience as what Diamond Sabong offers so live bettors won’t get confused when switching from live betting to virtual betting at KingMidas while Rich88’s offering is more of an arcade game.

Obviously live betting at DS88 is far better for winning real money since bettors will be able to make informed decisions, but players who want to bet quickly should opt for virtual sabong at either Rich88 or KingMidas.


Online cockfighting is both the online version of traditional local cockfighting and all forms of virtual cockfighting where two roosters will be pitted against each other to fight until a winner or a Tie outcome is determined.

Betting on live matches is generally better since bettors will be able to make more informed decisions on who will win. Speed-focused bettors though will find that the virtual option is better.


Online cockfighting can either be an exciting blood sport where two fighting roosters battle it out on the pit or be a fun arcade game where bettors can bet on which virtual bird will win. The outcome is purely RNG in virtual cockfighting, unless when a gamer was actually handling the two virtual roosters in the fighting game.

Start betting on online cockfighting matches today. Take your pick between live and virtual matches.