FB777 Casino Privacy Policy: Handling Your Data and Secure Gaming

FB777 respects all of its customers’ privacy and information security and strives to ensure that all information collected during the registration and verification process are stored securely in the platform. This is standard practice and is intensified in response to the large number of cybercriminals and other bad actors who actively steal customer information from scam websites and unsecure gambling websites.

Privacy policy

FB777 is secured with 128 Bit SSL Encryption and all recorded data is cached in secure locations. This privacy policy details which information the platform collects and how they are kept secure.

Privacy Policy: FB777 Website and User Information

All FB777 information is kept safely secure in the platform and no party is permitted to copy, distribute, modify, reissue, and use private company information. All FB777 customer data is safely secured in the platform and no party, exempting the actual user, are permitted to copy, distribute, or modify user data. This ensures that neither bad actors from within the company and from outside the company will not be able to misuse company or user information.

Privacy Policy: FB777 Website and User Information

Any and all information collected by FB777 shall be retained and modified only by the authorized user well within the bounds of FB777’s terms and conditions. Any modification or alteration of personal information to modify a user’s identity is prohibited. This ensures that players will not be able to abuse certain platform features. This also ensures that all collected information will remain unadulterated from any tampering attempts.

Privacy Policy: User Data Collected by FB777

Privacy Policy: User Data Collected by FB777

FB777 will collect the following information upon initial registration:

  • Member Account Name
  • Password
  • Withdrawal Password
  • Full Name

The platform does not collect any information on transaction methods a user might use while participating in the platform. Additionally, no PIN code shall be collected when either depositing or withdrawing real money while participating in the platform.

How FB777 Uses Collected Data

All data collected during the registration process will be used only to register users in the platform and keep track of which users have already registered and prevent users from creating duplicate accounts to take advantage of certain platform features. This also prevents blacklisted users from returning to the platform unless cleared by the platform.

How FB777 Uses Collected Data

All collected user information will only be used for account verification and will not be distributed to any third parties and any unauthorized parties.

How FB777 Protects Data

FB777 secures all collected user data primarily through the 128 Bit SSL Encryption and firewalls. FB777 also implements strict restrictive access to keep unauthorized personnel from accessing restricted information. Additionally, all customer data is securely stored in remote storage locations secured by the host’s own security measures. All user data collected by the platform will remain recorded in the platform for a set period of time until they are permanently removed.

How FB777 Protects Data

Should data breaches occur and compromise the security of all collected information, players will be notified of the breach to allow them to secure their accounts within and without the platform. This effectively keeps bad actors from continuing to use compromised login credentials to access other user accounts.